I was born to Tamil immigrants and raised in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire before moving to Birmingham for university. I now live and work in London whilst channeling my creative energy into photography in my free time.
I take on a wide variety of work involving artists, models, couples and families. I especially love to support fellow South Asians in their creative endeavours - from event photography to promotional materials.
I've had a diverse taste in music and fashion since my childhood and I have been lucky to photograph concerts and performances recently. I hope to expand on this work in the upcoming years. I have also had the privillege to photograph weddings and private events. Please check my instagram for recent updates!
instagram @sivseesyou

Photography has been a part of my life since I was born. As an infant, I modelled for my mother's film photography; during my childhood I took countless photos of my family on our Polaroid camera; and during my teens and twenties I documented moments of my life on a compact camera and my phone.
@sivseesyou started out as a means of tracking my progress whilst I taught myself how to use my first DSLR camera. After some practice using my very supportive friends as models; my dedication increased, my photography gained attention, I started getting requests for shoots + collaborations and I decided it's time to expand 'Siv Sees You' from a hobby into freelance work and share my growing passion with others.
portrait of myself, taken by my mum
circa 2001